

Guangdong Shunde Weasi Robot Co.,Ltd.

Billiard spring moving automatic block component machine 1

Publisher:Guangdong Shunde ace robotics Co., Ltd.   Release time:12/19/2017 5:03:41 PM

The equipment is pneumatically driven assembly, and the spring and top pillar are automatically fed with split modular automatic feeding, which reduces the time of specification replacement and maintenance; each assembly station has sensors to detect the materials in place, effectively preventing missing assembly parts, and ensuring that the qualified rate of product production reaches more than 99%.

Guangdong Shunde Weasi Robot Co.,LTD

Add.: 201,?Block?2,?Chuanghe?Building,??No.3? Changbao Xi?Road?,?Ronggui,?Shunde, Foshan,?Guangdong,?China
E-mail:[email protected]   Fax:0757-25552155
? 2017廣東順德為艾斯 | 版權所有 粵ICP備1511414號


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